Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The MOST important room

For the first 6 years of marriage I HATED our master bedroom.  
It was always the last to be thought about in the decorating scheme of things...
I felt like I had to focus first on the rooms that other people actually SEE

and then I never got around to actually decorating the bedroom

I hated being in there, the sheets and quilt set were a very nice wedding gift, but just not me...

I didn't want to buy curtains, because I didn't want to waste money trying to match something I didn't love

The colors made me feel like I was in an old issue of Better Homes and Gardens from the 1980s

The sparse decorations were leftover wall-hangings and pictures that didn't really belong any where else in the house.

I hated our hand-me-down, mis-matched, 1970s speckled dresser and desk

I wish I had a picture.
It wasn't this bad, but sometimes this is what it felt like to me:

Has this happened to you?

I dreamed of one day having a master bedroom that I could just retreat to

after all, it IS the room you spend most of your time in
it's where you wake up to a new day
where you retire for the night
it should be intimate, clean, relaxing and personalized
The bedroom should be your sanctuary...

I made a goal.
since I knew we were moving soon for hubby's grad school
the first room I would decorate would be the MASTER BEDROOM...

I would be thrifty and find vintage pieces of furniture to truly make mine.
It wouldn't be too girly (for the hubby's sake), but reflect my own taste and style

I started to look for inspiration
It so happened that the Pantone color of the year was:

"Combining the serene qualities of blue and the invigorating aspects of green, Turquoise inspires thoughts of soothing, tropical waters and a comforting escape from the everyday troubles of the world, while at the same time restoring our sense of wellbeing."

 I needed this color. That I knew!

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