Friday, July 15, 2011

Lamp Revamp

I love it when you are looking for something and it turns out to be right under your nose!  That's what happened when I expressed to my mom and dad that I was looking for a pair of lamps for my newly refinished nightstands. (here)

My dad just happened to be restoring one of his rental homes and said that he had 2 lamps out on his trailer headed for the trash! WHAAAAAT!?!

I raced outside right away, and sure enough found these beauties:

Ceramic mint green bodies {plus} golden swirls {plus} glittery leaves {plus} bases with spurts of rust


I'm pretty sure my parents thought I was insane.
(But glad at the same time that they had raised a daughter to be so thrifty!)
First things first, do they even work?
[check, even have a 3-way dimmer]

What color do I paint them?
[how about some sort of coral color]
like say,
Krylon Coral Isle...

And the base?
[that's easy, ORB]

 I sanded the base a little bit with some steel wool, and since there were some raised paint splotches & splatters on the ceramic, I sanded and scraped those off so I had a smooth surface

A few coats of spray paint, some lamp-shades, and a couple finials later:

 One last question that I haven't resolved yet...
 Do I paint the patterns or not?
 I did on this one:
But didn't on this one:

Soooo, paint or no paint?
 What do you think?

{I've also got some plans in the works to pretty up the shades a bit}


  1. Oh Im so glad you stopped by our blog to comment, because now Ive found you! And once Ive found ya....well its hard to get rid of me LOL i kid....i kid... hahaha. I vote painted. I love the swilry detail

  2. I like it painted too...a soft color or maybe even muted metalic would be pretty. :) Found you from MMS furniture link party and enjoyed taking a peek at some of your projects. They are lovely!

  3. I third the painted design! You do such amazing work.

  4. Ooo I say paint them. But they look 1000x better with what you've already done. I look forward to what you do to the shades. That's a project I haven't tackled yet. :) And I'm a new follower!

  5. Found you via Miss Mustard the make over of these cute lamps. Yes paint the's part of the character of them.

  6. Why not paint them with a color similar to the nightstands? I think that would be lovely and tie in with the bed and pillows?
