Thursday, July 28, 2011

Prettied Up With Modge Podge

I love a good bargain.  
I found some wall hangings for my daughter's room on clearance in T.J.Maxx.  
I wasn't fond of their original state, but knew that I could fix them :)

They were a honey colored wood with cute cut-outs attached:

First, I painted the sides of them with a dark brown acrylic craft paint.

Then, I pried off the cut-outs.
This was probably the hardest was partly stapled and partly glued, and I didn't want to break it!
The best tool was a plain old butter knife;
Oh, the multi-uses of a butter knife! Worked perfect!

{and of course I don't have a picture of the blank wood}

 I picked out some cutesie scrapbook paper that would match my daughter's room and modge podged it on there! 
{side note: my husband HATES the word modge podge, so I try to say it around him as often as possible...haha}

I distressed the edges a bit with some ink/paint/chalk...I couldn't decide what method so I tried a few.

Then I glued the cut-outs back on

ahhh...So much better!

1 comment:

  1. love this! love modge podge!i found some box frames, added picturs and did them with modge pogde and pretty paper for my grand daughter's room! everyone wants to know where she got them! :)
